Friday, 6 June 2014

Childrens parties

Running on the treadmill a couple of days ago, a program grabbed my attention regarding children's parties and how much we as society now spend on an average kids party.

Here in Perth, kids parties are certainly a big thing. With my daughters, aged 4 & 6, we average about 4 parties a month. Pretty crazy. Obviously, doing what I do, I am a big advocate of styling beautiful kids parties, but that being said I simply think the decision is up to the family. Be it a trampolining or ice-skating or bowling party with a select few or a lavish at-home affair for the school year peers, family, neighbours, close friends, the choice is individual and not to be judged either way. Yes, we all do it!!! I have heard all sorts of remarks from, 'is this party for the kids or the parents?' To 'I would only serve healthy food?' From 'I would never spend that amount on a 4year old's cake' to 'she really should not have attempted to bake'. The judgements are quite something else.

Personally, we choose to have a party where we want to double the occassion with a get-together with those we don't always get a chance to see. My husband and I love to keep the alcohol flowing, the kid's entertained and the kids table set beautifully. Don't get me wrong, we have also had very very small affairs where my then 5 year old chose just 1 friend to go on a day trip with. It just depends on our budget and mood for that year.

Whatever you decide, keep in mind, no two parties will ever be alike as will no two hosts. It is an honour to be asked to celebrate in any family occassion, respect it, don't upset the host, don't over indulge, do bring a present.....and lastly? Don't judge the event, just enjoy it.

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